May 24th, 2015
So, here’s how the countdown stands as of today!
Earl’s Con Season List 2015
Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) in 23 days
Anime Expo (AX) in 38 days
San Diego Comic Con in 44 days
and, if miracles happen:
Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) Prime in 95 days
Nothing solidified in terms of a place for #SDCC. Getting close to the wire. Thinking about worst case scenarios at this point. Everything even semi-close to the convention center is going for $300 a night, at least, which is ridiculous. Hostels for some reason cost just as much as a regular Hotel 6 room. I’m blaming it on hipsters. AirBnB and VRBO are yielding nothing useful at this point. I may have to call a sit down meeting to sort this out.
In terms of being on the actual floor, I was wondering whether I should carry around a backpack, as I usually do. It becomes a liability, though, when we’re talking about crowded con floors.
Luckily, I stopped by ThinkGeek, because I was looking for a spherical ice mold, cuz… scotch, and they happen to have the Death Star ice mold. I also happened to have a $10 credit for visiting the ThinkGeek booth at Star Wars Celebration, which expires at the end of the month. After adding the Death Star to my cart, I decide to look around for shiggles, and I came across their Bag of Holding Con-Survival Edition, and for a pretty reasonable price, actually. So I’m waiting for that to come in. It’s smaller than a backpack, but larger than my existing satchel (man-purse), exactly what I was looking for.
The E3 afterparty announcements have started coming out more regularly. Will start drinking more in preparation. Good idea? Maybe.
I have added sit ups and squats to my pre-con training regimen, but I’ve also dropped walking. Where the logic is in this… I have no idea. I purchased a pedometer on Monday, used it a couple days, and now I have no idea where I put it. Good job. In related news, I have increased my average burrito consumption. Ok, so that’s not good.
Note to Self: Your Freebirds half-birthday free burrito credit also expires at the end of this month. Find that card.
Finished submitting for the Anime Expo industry pass last Sunday. Have yet to hear back. Hmm. May have to remove a con from the list. Seeing as it’s so close to Comic Con this year (the week after), due to the fact that they’ve moved Con up a couple weeks from it’s usual late July spot, that might not be such a bad thing.
PAX Prime progress: Still figuring out how to get there.
Listened to a lot of Game of Thrones podcasts after that semi-debacle of an episode last weekend. How this helps me con-wise, I have no idea.
Also, podcasted with the rest of the Agents of GUARD on Friday. The subject of the episode: Conventions. And then we watched Underworld.

Progress report: Not doing to well at this prepping for con stuff.
To Do List
Follow up on AX industry pass
Start redoing/polishing video game voice demo
Spiffy up website at
Find a place to stay for SDCC
Eat less/Walk more
Yeah, that list is exactly the same as last week. Ohhhhhhhboy.