Steven Spielberg’s family upbringing has always seeped into his best works. The prolific filmmaker’s relationship with his parents and their divorce informed Close Encounters of…
The circle of life works very differently in the jungles of Hollywood than it does in the plains of Africa. Movie studios have a lot…
Dreamworks Animation has played second fiddle to Pixar for over a decade. Lately, Dreamworks has done a surprising job in establishing their own unique franchises.…
Earlier this year, (February 4th, 2014 to be exact) director Gore Verbinksi landed a three film deal with New Regency. The first film to come…
Hello you movie masticaters! ...."masticating" means eating. I'm so sorry if you read that and... MOVING ON. Agent Justin is still recovering from his annual…
Seems like a lot of people are glad to see 2013 go but quite frankly, I had a damn good year. For me it was…
Friday June 28th, 2013 Weeksauce brings you all the news in geekery, genre fiction, and nerdy celebrities you may have missed this week while you…
I....I can't even begin. This week is chock full of crazy stuff that I say forget the intro and lets just blast our way into…