If there is any nostalgia that has the strongest hold on modern fans, it's for the cartoons of their youth. We all have memories of…
Welcome back to "Looking Ahead"! Yes, it is I, Agent Nate, summoned from my Eternal Slumber yet again to fill in for Agent Justin. He…
Hello you movie masticaters! ...."masticating" means eating. I'm so sorry if you read that and... MOVING ON. Agent Justin is still recovering from his annual…
Hello fellow film fanatics! This is Agent Nate, jumping in at the last second to finish off the main bad guy that Agent Justin had…
I'm going to watch The World's End today. This is the third in an unofficial trilogy of movies made by writer/director Edgar Wright, actor/writer Simon…
Okay! So here's the thing... I said I was only maybe gonna sub for Agent Justin like once. But it turns out... Comic Con messed…
Do your eyes deceive you? No, your eyes do not deceive you. In fact, they are openly informing you upon a change of author for…