In comic books, patriotism is rarely subtle. If you think I’m making crazy talk, then just take a gander at the cover of the first appearance of Captain America.
I bet after punching Hitler in the face, the scene would have went on a little like this:
In the following years, many a character was made in the comic book world that, though very patriotically fueled, may not have always been the most… creative. Here’s… well, not a smattering, but a very large sampling of the patriotic superheroes made through out all the companies.
And there is still more! So much more that I seriously could drown this article in an ocean of red, white, and blue. Of course, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention one of the first patriotic super heroes, made by jewish immigrants, no less. Which strikes me as truly American made.
Happy 4th of July, everybody! Dress up as one of the obscure Super Heroes here and shoot off some fireworks! I recommend dressing as Fighting Yank! Cuz that name sounds like he’s doing something all wrong.