Born and raised in California, Nathan has been a fiend for geeky pop culture for years. ESPECIALLY comic books and movies. Can't get enough. He also likes writing his own comic books (The Shrouded City) and drinking sparkling water. Maybe it shows we've grown as a society that nobody makes fun of him for making comic books... but he does get a lot of s**t for drinking sparkling water. Win some, lose some. If you feel like it, you can follow his twitter musings: @natethegreater

Perhaps some of you have noticed a large influx of comic books based on cancelled television properties.  Once upon a time, this would be akin to fan fiction.  Laughed at (or nerd raged at) and quicky forgotten.

In Whedon We Trust
In Whedon We Trust

And then Joss Whedon went and wrote the first story arch of  “Season 8” of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, single-handedly legitimizing the comic book sequel.  I’ve been reading all of the follow up comic books of the Whedonverse.  (Wow, I really do call it that).  Not just Buffy, but also the Dollhouse “Epitaths”.

Set between Season 2 and the Finale episodes.
Set between Season 2 and the Finale episodes.

And all the Firefly stories.

I miss them so.
I miss them so.

The Spike mini-series.

And Angel & Faith, which quickly became my favorite of all the Buffyverse sequel comics.  Seriously, I have a future article solely about “Season 9” of Angel & Faith.

Angel & Faith
Angel & Faith

Probably due, in part, to the success of Buffy comic books, other television shows have taken a shot at continuing the story in comic book format.  Smallville even gave it a shot, launching “Season 11.”


The biggest news was that The X-Files was going to have a “Season 10” comic book, fully blessed by Chris Carter.  Of course, I heard “blessed,” not “written by,” so I’m hesitant to get too hopeful for this comic.

Season 10
Season 10

Have I been sounding overly optimistic about these “Continued Adventures of” comic books?  Well, I have been let down in the past.  In point of fact, the Angel “Season 6” comic book (also known as the “After The Fall” story arch) was disappointing.


To clarify, I liked David Lynch’s writing, but the art got more and more muddy.  Hell, the first issue left me scratching my head as to who was who.  And it only went downhill from there.  I actually stopped buying this comic by the 5th issue.

Fortunately, the other Whedonverse comics haven’t really let me down.  Let’s see what “Season 10” of the Buffy comics have in store for us.

Next, the Season 9 Finale!
Next, the Season 9 Finale!

Thanks for reading!  See you next Thursday with an in-depth look at “Angel & Faith”!

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