Part-time swashbuckler and professional writer, Agent Bobby lives in Southern California and goes by the names "B.C. Johnson," "Banjo Bob," and "The Amazing Spider-Man." His "Deadgirl" book series (think Buffy meets Stephen King) is available for Kindle, Nook, and even old dusty paperback and can be found at When he's not writing or playing video games, he can be found writing about playing video games and occasionally sleeping.

From the dudes who brought you Agents of GUARD and the original Order of the Triad podcast comes “Morningword.”

Morningwood Podcast #2 – “Author Intent”

In the 2nd episode of Morningword, we have our first temperature check to see how much work we’ve done since the last podcast. Then we talk about the Bert + Ernie / Frank Oz scandal, and how it relates to author intent versus audience identification. We also have a brief digression into Captain Marvel, field questions from the audience, and talk about how much we hate writing.

Morningword is a writing podcast about writing! Bobby’s a novelist, Justin is a filmmaker, and Nate is a comic writer (and screenwriter and everything writer). We challenge ourselves to each work on a new project, and we hold each other accountable. Why have discipline when your friends can just give you shit for failing?

Grab Morningword on iTunes

Direct Download Link Here: Morningword #2 – Author Intent


The theme song is “Clap and Yell” by


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