So when I picked up this week’s issue of “Green Lantern” and I allowed the impact of Geoff John’s last issue to—wait, it cost eight…
***SPOILER WARNING*** Well folks, after much anticipation, the time has come (and past) for us Whovians who have been waiting for an answer to the…
I’m going to make this brief because it’s already taking too much time away from me listening to the unabridged “World War Z” audio-book. I…
Mere days ago (and for the first time) I experienced something in person I only thought I had experienced before through my ear holes. Hmm...…
Ho-ho, Alan Moore must be spinning in his grave—oh, he’s not dead… Really? Okay, he’s spinning in his hobo beard and finger armor. What Alan…
The Christmas of my dreams…as a 9 year old. I would say if Geekdom was a University, my degree would be in Movies with…
It's a damnable common thing to be treated like a moron. Every trip to the DMV, every rude customer, every work-place exchange between an older…
Since this is my column I’m going to take this opportunity to be selfish and talk about something that’s been bugging me about X-men continuity…
I have a confession. I was never a big Batman fan. Whew! There, I said it. It’s good to get it out. In the geek…
Fan films are always a tricky thing for me. They have a reputation of being made by amateur filmmakers, who's only goal is to make the…