Friday June 28th, 2013 Weeksauce brings you all the news in geekery, genre fiction, and nerdy celebrities you may have missed this week while you…
Because I like your faces: Day 1 | Day 2 - BTW... the entry form is at the bottom. W00! June 13th, 2013 7:00am -…
Enormous news dropped this week concerning perennial video game series Metal Gear Solid. To the unfamiliar, the Metal Gear Solid franchise is an espionage game,…
As all the Whovian world knows by now, it has been announced the Matt Smith has stepped away from the TARDIS controls. He's hung up…
Well, rumors of Matt's departure has been going on for a while, but we can finally say it's official. Matt Smith has left Doctor Who.…
This just (relatively) in! NBC has asked Dan Harmon to return to Community. According to the awesome folks at HollyWookie, Dan mentioned it at a…
They're totally going for multi-device integration/multitasking with this one. Doesn't it remind you of 80s VCRs?
Friday May 17th, 2013 Weeksauce brings you all the news in geekery, genre fiction, and nerdy celebrities you may have missed this week while you…
Where to begin with this new show. Well, I guess we could begin with the new full trailer to the series. TRAILER link below:…
We here at GUARD are fully aware of the organization of S.H.I.E.L.D. We do our best to not cross paths, and to stay out of each…