I am not a fan of alternate covers of comic books. I get the reasoning, of course (buy more copies, make more sales, pay employees,…
So when I picked up this week’s issue of “Green Lantern” and I allowed the impact of Geoff John’s last issue to—wait, it cost eight…
Recently a chance to travel to New York arose. I humbly and quietly accepted the chance. I believe my exact words were "Muh wuh Nuh…
I’m going to make this brief because it’s already taking too much time away from me listening to the unabridged “World War Z” audio-book. I…
***DISCLAIMER*** There be spoilers ahead, matey! Well folks, it’s Mother’s Day! What better way to cyber-celebrate today that to review the TOP 5 FICTIONAL “MOTHERS”…
I grew up as a Marvel kid. The only reason I picked up DC books was because I was in it for the pretty boys:…
You and your friends are hanging around in a circle, putting bad movies "on blast," (I'm yoooounnnng dammmittt noooo) ripping flicks new excretion holes for…
Ho-ho, Alan Moore must be spinning in his grave—oh, he’s not dead… Really? Okay, he’s spinning in his hobo beard and finger armor. What Alan…
Since this is my column I’m going to take this opportunity to be selfish and talk about something that’s been bugging me about X-men continuity…
You might not know it from watching Kevin Smith’s Comic Book Men or The Big Bang Theory but girls in comic shops aren't actually that big of…