Three days ago, the cast for Star Wars: Episode VII was announced. At first, I didn’t want to feel anything, since Episodes I thru III hurt so much. But the names kept going through my head. I started to… HOPE again? (A New Hope, perhaps? Eh? Yes? Eh?) Say what you will about JJ Abrams, but the man knows how to make a fun action packed flick. And he has a great taste in actors. Star Trek might have some flaws, but the cast was absolutely amazing. In fact, I’d even go out on a limb and say that each and every one of his films and TV shows have had exceptional actors.
So who has been cast in Episode VII? Some very, very well known actors are returning:
Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca), Anthony Daniels (C-3PO), and Kenny Baker (R2-D2). [Side Note: Is it really humane to put an elderly man inside of that tiny box of a costume?]
But who are the new faces? I’m glad you asked!

John Boyega. This dude is the one I’m the most excited to see. I saw him in Attack the Block, and believe me, he is riveting without saying almost anything. An excellent up and coming actor. My recommendation would be for him to be a Jedi Knight, maybe even a Padawan to Luke Skywalker. Or former Padawan.

Andy Serkis. Okay, this guy is actually pretty well known, but mostly by wearing other faces. Gollum. Ceasar. King Kong. This dude is the king of mo-cap. Not saying that he’s going to be a new CG character (please god, not Jar Jar Jr.!) But he’s a great actor on his own merit. It wouldn’t be a crazy twist for him to be a live action character.

Adam Driver. This is an interesting looking dude. I’d never call him handsome, but he defintely has character. He’s been in Girls, and even appeared with fellow Episode VII cast member Oscar Isaac in Inside Llewyn Davis. The rumor has been that he will play a Dark Side character of some sort. Will he be a Sith? Or just a fallen Jedi?

Daisy Ridley. Okay, I really don’t know… anything… about her. But Star Wars movies and unknown actors have had some good fortune together (Harrison Ford)… and some bad fortune (Hayden Christensen). But I choose to have faith. Or at least to wait and see. As for who she might be playing, she does seem to have a resemblance to Leia. Perhaps the Solo daughter? Or a Skywalker daughter?

Oscar Isaac. I actually like this guy a lot. He had a small part in Drive, but impressed the heck out of me. And I’ve heard he was great in Inside Llewyn Davis. But he seems to play mostly introspective, quiet characters. Is that a hint to what character he’ll be playing in Episode VII? Or is gonna completely spin us around and show us a totally different aspect? This is a guy who could be a great Jedi or a scruffy looking Nerf Herder.

Dohmnall Gleeson. Hey, we got a legacy here! Son of Brendan Gleeson (awesome actor!), let’s hope that kind of talent is genetic. And from the movies I’ve seen him in (Harry Potter, Dredd, and True Grit) I think the Force is strong with this one. From the range of what he’s done, this dude could be anything from a smuggler to a Jedi to C-4PO.

Max Von Sydow. You know this dude, but you might not even be aware of it. He’s been in everything. This guy has WORKED. And steadily. And if Adam Driver might be a Sith, then my money is on Sydow being the new Sith Lord, aiming for Palpatine’s throne. They might even cross Episode VII with another Sci-Fi movie epic that Sydow was in… Flash Gordon! Just picture Max von Sydow as… DARTH MING!

Okay, probably not, but it would be ballsy as hell.
SIDE NATE NOTE: This is a stupid wish, but its a fanboy wish all the way: I hope JJ Abrams introduces at least one new lightsaber color. For the longest time, we only had blue, green, and red. It took Sam L. Jackson to straight up REQUEST a new color from Lucas himself! That’s the only reason there’s a purple lightsaber. So my personal request is Orange. (Lonestar orange Shwartz!)