Pretty boys come in all shapes and forms but Warren Worthington III is especially magical; with his Zack Morris blonde hair, boy band blue eyes, and playboy smile it’s no wonder they call him Angel.
NAME: Warren Worthington III
HISTORY: Warren grew up with all the luxuries of a spoiled Park Avenue princess. He went to Exeter, he had an allowance that most middle-aged American men make in a fiscal quarter, and he always got what he wanted. When his wings finally started to grow in he felt like an ugly outcast until it dawned on his beautiful golden face that he could use his wings to fly and save people. Now he didn’t have a lot of options for creative codenames so he went with “Avenging Angel” which sounds so stupid but if you saw a beautiful blonde swoop you up into his arms and fly you out of trouble you’d probably call him an angel too.
WHAT MAKES HIM A BABE: What doesn’t make him a babe? Let’s start with looks: I’m pretty sure the ideal Abercrombie male model is based off candid shots of Warren on his family’s yacht. It’s like he was a eugenics experiment in trying to make the most beautiful man alive. Regardless of the length, his hair is always the classic shade of Connecticut blonde and styled effortlessly, like every morning he wakes up and tiny birds perfect his coif. Then he has this jaw line, a jaw line that can cut glass quicker than his expensive red Porsche can turn corners. And then most importantly, even more important than those broad shoulders and slim waist, are his eyes. Blue like cold sapphires and empty promises. Blue like cold, faithless nights. But also blue like a sliver of ocean after miles of deserted beach; giving you a new sense of hope.
Poetic whimsy aside, he has buckets of personality that make him pretty delicious as well. As Warren he has all the finesse and charm of a Wall Street tomcat which comes in handy when Xavier needs help with smoozing local naysayers. As Angel he is resourceful and self-sacrificing. He jumps into action without thinking because he never wants anyone to feel helpless like he did when his wings first started coming in. He is filled with an honest urge to help people, and hot damn is that sexy. Sure he’s rocking a body like Apollo but pair it with a heart of gold and panties start dropping like booties in a club.

EVOLUTION OF SEXINESS: Unlike some of the other men I’ve written about in the past Angel didn’t grow suddenly to become a hot piece of ass, he was always dangerously handsome. What did change were his costumes. He went from painfully awkward suspenders to a slim, form-fitting one piece that showed off every toned muscle on his rich little body. If I was a supervillain I don’t care how close I was to getting away with my crimes, the second Angel flew into my line of sight I would immediately surrender and throw myself into those stunning beach volleyball arms.
FAVORITE RENDITION: While I wish I could say I struggle with this decision but I know exactly the moment Angel completely stole my heart. It was when the love of my life, Betsy Braddock, decided that Cyclops was too much drama and let herself fall in love with Warren. I was right there with Psylocke, when she looked into Angel’s baby blues and melted at his attempts for romantic sky dates, I melted with her. When he promised he would always love her, I believed him. And when she died and he felt like his only anchor was gone I wept with him. I shipped them before I knew what shipping was.
As far as other media versions, I don’t remember much from the animated shows but I did really enjoy Ben Foster. If fact one of my many gripes with X3 is that they severely underused Angel. He could have been woven in to the plot and really explored as a character but instead we see him for a total of five minutes and quite frankly that is just not enough.
REALTIONSHIP STATUS: This is where things are going to get weird and convoluted like the X-Universe usually does. Currently there are two versions of Angel running flying around, one is a youngster transported here from the past and trapped in the present and another is a youngster that Angel was reborn into after he sacrificed himself to save the world. *~*CoMiC bOoKs*~* ANYWAY, the Angel that has been indefinitely kidnapped from the past is sort dating/sleeping with Wolverine’s clone/daughter X-23 and despite how ridiculous that sentence may seem their fling is cute as hell.
F*CK, MARRY, KILL: Marry. Listen, if some buff, blonde babe dropped in front of me with a 16-ft wingspan and said he wanted to take me on a date I would say yes. If he then casually mentioned his millions upon millions of dollars to his name I would give him a night he would never forget and then trick him into promptly marrying me. Warren is a keeper, ladies. If you find yourselves a man like this you lock that shit down.
DENISE COMPATIBILITY: I would like to think that we would get along splendidly. It’s possible I’m projecting my hopes and dreams of one day becoming Psylocke onto Angel but whatever. Warren is drawn to strong, compassionate women who tend to shoot first and ask questions later. An impulsive woman fits nicely with his own commanding need to rush into action but having a lady around to tell him when to fight even more perfect. Also I would not minding living off his wealth like lazy hussy I am.