Film fanatic who can't stop writing about/talking about/ and even make films. Follow me on Twitter: @JustinQuizon and on Tumblr:


My goodness…do I even need to do an introduction to this one? I feel like I don’t.

I mean…come on…it’s JAWS!!!

You’re gonna hear me and Matt gush like crazy over this film.

And boy…do we talk about this film.

Like… a lot. Like three hours worth. We talk so much that Matt had to cut it down to two parts. Once again, this was fun to record and both me and Matt had fun sharing and revealing stuff that we know about the film.

So, click over HERE and find part 1. Part 1 will also be on iTunes (and hey, subscribe and rate our show if you’ve been digging it. That would help us quiet a bit)

Part 2 can be found HERE….but if you really want, we have the ENTIRE episode right HERE.

Yeah….we do love us some Jaws.

Next month we’ll be back with the Spielbergs first Sci-Fi film hit…Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Hope you guys come back for that!

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