
Assemble An Ensemble

January 17, 2014 0

SPOILERS - OKAY SPOILERS ALL UP IN YOUR FACE - SPOILERS As I write this, I should admit ahead of time that I am an…


Cardboard Cosplay

January 11, 2014 0

You know what's really cool?  How inventive geeks can be.  Seriously, just take a gander at all the cosplayers that permeate any comic convention.  Yeah,…

Food & Beverages

Geek Drinks Methinks

January 3, 2014 1

If you're like me, the New Year's Resolutions you made have already been quietly, yet firmly, set aside for last year's status quo.  Or perhaps…


Running The Game

December 28, 2013 0

Being a GM (a "Game Master" cue choir), is nerve wracking.  Its being in charge of running a pencil and paper role-playing game.  It challenges…


The Future Now

December 21, 2013 0

We have a mere handful of days before the year is out.  Maybe you (and when I say you, I really mean me) are laying…


Geeky Gifting

December 6, 2013 0

Hark!  In the distance!  Fast approaching is Christmas.  It craves your money to give unto others.  And everybody loves being given stuff.  But what kind…


Come Visit Night Vale

November 23, 2013 0

I'm 25 episodes into a podcast called "Welcome to Night Vale." I'm hooked.  Seriously.  This is one spooky, dreamy, poetic, absurd, demented, quaint, funny, quixotic,…