Perhaps some of you have noticed a large influx of comic books based on cancelled television properties. Once upon a time, this would be akin…
I'm going to watch The World's End today. This is the third in an unofficial trilogy of movies made by writer/director Edgar Wright, actor/writer Simon…
In this GUARDicle, I shout my love for Jason Aaron and Esad Ribic's run of "Thor: God of Thunder." Specifically the focusing on the arcs…
Did you know that your average smart phone has more computational power than the combined strength of all the 1960's computers that got America to…
Yesterday I sat and took a gander at Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters with fellow Agents Denise and Patrick. Denise and I have devoured the…
So I'm one of those casual gamers that stopped playing at, like, Sega Genesis. I dabbled here and there throughout PlayStation, Xbox, GameCube, and PlayStation…
Okay! So here's the thing... I said I was only maybe gonna sub for Agent Justin like once. But it turns out... Comic Con messed…
Do your eyes deceive you? No, your eyes do not deceive you. In fact, they are openly informing you upon a change of author for…
You know, for the longest time as a kid I thought giant robots were bad guys. I mean, I've since learned the error of my…
In comic books, patriotism is rarely subtle. If you think I'm making crazy talk, then just take a gander at the cover of the first…