Earl is an LA-born actor/improviser that wants desperately to be loved. Hah, not really. He'll eat all your leftovers if you're not careful. He's done it before. Tweets at @earl_baylon. Earl Baylons at earlbaylon.com. Tumblrs at Nerdoholic.

If you’re looking for Day 1, there it is.

Wednesday, June 12th, 2013

2:00pm – Driving up to E3 after pretty much an all nighter of post – Room to Improv rehearsal stuff/design stuff.  So far, this is not going according my plan of being here by 9am.

2:30pm – Parked pretty much in the same location as the previous day.  Hope the street lights are operational here when I get back. Newfangled parking meter with the card reader. Sorcery. I wonder if these operate via Wifi.

What does OUYA mean, anyway? They probably have an explanation on the website.

2:50pm – Looking at the OUYA “Open to All” Park outside the convention center.  Must go here before the day is done.

2:56pm – Went back to badge pickup because I broke my lanyard as I was pulling it out of my bag.

This place is much scarier when populated by cosplayers.
This place is much scarier when populated by cosplayers.

3:06pm – Making my way to the Square-Enix booth.  I haz a hankering for new Final Fantasy.

3:10pm – Lines are too long for Final Fantasy. I’ll just watch the giant screen.

Squeenix. Kingdom Hearts III.  I'm sure my fanboy was showing.
Squeenix. Kingdom Hearts III. Final Fantasy XV. I’m sure my fanboy was showing.

3:15pm – Final Fantasy XIV lines showing no sign of shortening.  Hopped on Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD instead.  Cuz… BLITZBALL!

Keifer-Snake in action.
Kiefer-Snake in action.

3:45pm – Yes, I just spent half an hour playing a game from 10 years ago… at E3, surrounded by games that aren’t even out yet.

3:50pm – Konami booth. Watched the new Metal Gear Solid: Phantom Pain trailer.  The trailer music feels like it’s pulled straight from a James Bond flick.  Still badass. Also, Kiefer Snake.

3:55pm – Ran into a college roommate Kris’ current co-worker and his friend as I decided to head to West Hall to check out first party booths.  We exchanged numbers.  Yeah I’m slick like that.  Facetious.

4:20pm – Xbox One booth. Checked out Ryse for a bit.  It almost feels like people have been saying: “Quicktime: The Game,” though, I’d argue that Heavy Rain was moreso, and I loved it.  Hopefully Ryse has a badass story.

4:26pm – The Xbox One, in all its Xboxy glory.

I'm watching you eat yourself to death, Earl.
I’m watching you eat yourself to death, Earl.

4:28pm – The Xbox/PlayStation hallway. This picture is the E3 equivalent of toes at a beach, or friends jumping.  Tempted to take a selfie.  Punched myself in the face as a preventative measure.

One of these beat the other senseless the day before.
One of these beat the other senseless the day before.

4:28pm – PlayStation booth.  My gods.  Last of Us. Beyond: Two Souls. Nerd sploog.  Also, another failed panoramic.

I made it 300px, because this how you want to look at panoramic, I figured.

4:35pm – Walking around the edges of the exhibit floor.  I run into the fantastic Cyndee San Luis.

4:45pm – Quick walk around Nintendo booth.  OhmAGAAaAHH.  Wind Waker HD (YES!), Duck Tales HD (YES!), Bayonetta 2 (Yeah.), Mario Kart 8(YES.), Super Luigi Wii U(YES!).  Full disclosure: Nintendo Fanboy.  I wish they had the new Super Smash Bros. teaser playing on loop somewhere.

I almost put a quarter up on the screen... just to see what would happen.
I almost put a quarter up on the screen… just to see what would happen.

4:50pm – Live Injustice battles sponsored by MadCats.  I wish I still knew how to play fighting games.  Put up Street Fighter II regular ass edition, we’ll see what’s up then!  

Truthfully, I'd probably still get my ass kicked if it was SFII.
Truthfully, I’d probably still get my ass kicked if it was SFII.

5:03pm – Back at PlayStation booth.  As you can tell, I have no plan.  I’m like a tay ina win.


No wait… let me try that again:



5:o6pm – I attempt to leave West Hall and back to South to see if I can jump on Final Fantasy XIV.  As I am about to exit, I get tapped on my shoulder by this guy:

Toby Gard, creator of Lara Croft, and a pretty awesome webcomic called Otherworld.

He’s there with his new project Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z.  It’s fun, bloody, bloody fun.

5:10pm – Having a talk with Toby for a minute, when another person that I worked with on Tomb Raider comes up, Mr. Damon Shelton, the man that got me into my first MoCap suit.

Damon, Master of MoCap, and also apparently CounterStrike beast.
Damon, Master of MoCap at Naughty Dog, and also apparently CounterStrike beast.

5:30pm – Besides working on The Last of Us, I learn that Damon is a former CounterStrike pro.  I realize that I may have accused him of hacking at some point.

5:45pm – Run into Jakob and Adrian from the old Anteater days.  Zot!

6:05pm – Meet some people from the Last of Us team. Also a dude working on the new Killer Instinct.

7:30pm – Heading to the WIGI (Women in Games Internatonal) E3 afterparty at the Belasco.  Intercepted by Andrew, a fellow former tester at Treyarch.

7:40pm – We meet up with his friend Veronica and head to Belasco.

I love a good juggler. Even better, a juggling team.

7:50pm – This party has people in costume, nerds in no costume, loud music, giveaways, and circus performers.  I’m in.

8:14pm – Stop by the swag table. Throw my business card in to win more PlayStation swag and hopefully a PS3 or Vita. I’m staying for the drawings, at least 8:30pm, 9:30pm, and 11:00pm.

8:40pm – First drawing.  I don’t win.

9:42pm – Second drawing. Lose.

10:12pm – Walking outside in the smoking patio.  Two guys come in with costumes on.  Both are carrying Doomhammers.  I already want to be their friends.  I must touch their hammers.  They end up being a WoW-Themed musical duo called Songhammer. Bad ass.

I am Thrall, Son of Durotan, the World Shaman!
I am Thrall, Son of Durotan, the World Shaman!

10:40pm – Meet some cool dev/artist/QA folks. One of the dudes, Evan, is working on a horror/puzzle/adventure type game for the OUYA/PC/Linux called Whispering Willows.  Pretty darn cool.

11:10pm – No drawing yet. Starting to sleepify.  Old man levels rising.

Waiting for the prize drawing!
Waiting for the prize drawing!

11:25pm – The bass and dubstep is starting to scar my soul.

11:30pm – Drawing for the PS3 Uncharted Bundle!

11:34pm – I don’t win. Sleepy time.

12:01pm – Back at my car.  There is a surprising amount of street light happening.  Lucky me.

– End Day 2 –

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