The first half of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. has been… rough. I definitely can’t say I was amazed. I can’t say I’ve been devastated. I can say with full confidence that I have been thoroughly blahed. Its a word. I know it is, because I made it up myself. BLAHED. Its pronounced like “blood” but with a thick Count Chocula accent. Go ahead and say it a few times to yourself. It’s invigorating and good fun!

So consider me un-blahed when they revealed that J. August Richards’ character, Mike Peterson, was going to become a certain Marvel Super Hero. This wasn’t a surprise, so much as a confirmation. But here I was thinking it was going to be revealed that his character was Rage.

Its not. WHEW! I am relieved. Honestly, Rage is a D-list character. C-list on a really good day. I mean, look at that costume. Huge, angry black man biker, with a kitty cat luchadore mask. But unfortunately, his later costumes are NOT much better.

Another bit of speculation going around was that the Mike Peterson character was going to become Luke Cage.

Okay, as much as I love J. August Richards, and no, seriously, I do. He was Gunn on Angel. He is strong with the Whedon Fu. Thus, my undying loyalty. Anyways, as much as I love this cat, the absolute best dude to play Luke Cage is none other than Terry Crews.

This dude is pure awesome. I kid you not, he is one of my favorite actors alive. He would be such a badass Luke Cage. Anyways, throwing my casting out there into the void. Just today, Marvel revealed that J. August Richards’ is going to be Deathlok!

Despite maybe Rage, he’s Deathlok instead of Luke Cage.
Okay, sing that last sentence again, except sound like Billy Corgan from Smashing Pumpkins. YOU’RE WELCOME. That’s why they pay me nothing.
Dig it, GUARDians! Deathlok was originally a human soldier who was killed in action, and then was given cybernetic enhancements, which reanimated him. Think Six-Million Dollar Man meets Frankenstein. You can wiki the rest of Deathlok’s story, but it ain’t a happy story.
I have to hand it to SHIELD, they really surprised me. I had no idea this was where they were going with that character. But the character progression makes sense, and all the ground work has been lovingly prepared. With that one cool reveal, I can’t wait to see what else they come up with. There are so many great characters that aren’t exactly strong enough to carry their own movie or TV show. Cage, Daredevil, and Iron Fist are supposedly getting NetFlix shows, but SHIELD has the advantage of being SNEAKY. Its not just Coulson’s crew we get to know, but the behind the scenes characters and the cameos.

Here’s just a few characters that make perfect sense showing up in the SHIELD:

And maybe a really good villain too?

Maybe that’s who Stan Lee will be playing in his upcoming cameo!

Okay, probably no.
But I do hope for more Simmons, played by Elizabeth Henstridge.

Mostly because I am in love with her. Yeah, there was no reason to throw her into this article. I am a weak man, with wavering integrity. Oh! here’s another picture Henstridge.

Okay, I need to stop that.
Another reveal from earlier this month was that Sif (from the Thor movies) was going to make a cameo!

Also, that in her episode, the villain would also be Asgardian. Which I wish I didn’t know ahead of time. And now that I think about it, I wish the Deathlok reveal hadn’t been so early on. But at the same time, I needed to know Agents of SHIELD was up to something. Because for a while there, I didn’t think they had any great ideas in them. What a conundrum!
Okay, let’s make a deal, TV gods! From here on out, continue making great episodes and keep the spoilers down to a minimum. Okaythankz!!
[Fun Fact!: I actually have THREE picture of Henstridge in this article! I am so creepy!]