The Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer just had this latest fan art added to its growing list of art that it inspired!
But this inspired piece got me inspired to look behind the inspiration behind the inspiration! (I have never used that word that many times in one sentence. Inspirational!) The above piece is a mash-up of the Star Wars teaser trailer and the poster to the classic anime: AKIRA.
What’s so great about this piece is the simplicity and the mystery. Its the main character. His iconic mode of transportation. And that’s it. Throw in the big english text title, with some cool, bloody Japanese writing splashed over it, and you have yourself an iconic image. Which has had many, MANY an homage made of it. Don’t believe me? Well, a picture is a worth a 1000 words, so these following pictures are pushing a million words.
Whew! Okay, that was a lot of images. But once I went down this rabbit hole I kept finding more and more pictures. I hope you enjoyed checking these all out, hopefully as much as I enjoyed finding them all. Have a great Friday!